PleasrDAO Calls Martin Shkreli’s Claims of Forfeiting All Wu-Tang Clan Album Copies Bogus

Martin Shkreli fails to convince PleasrDAO that he has handed over all copies he made of a one-off Wu-Tang Clan album due to his previous comments of storing copies in safes and sending them to women.

‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli is yet under fire again as the suit PleasrDAO brought against him continues. This time, PleasrDAO has called Shkreli’s claims of producing all copies he maintained of the one-of-one Wu-Tang Clan album ‘Once Upon a Time in Shaolin’ bogus.

According to PleasrDAO’s filing, Shkreli was ordered by the court to “sequester and turn over all his copies, in any form, of the Album or its contents to defense counsel” and sign an affidavit stating “that he no longer possesses any copies, in any form, of the Album or its contents.” Keeping with the deadline, Shkreli turned in copies of 15 tracks from the album he had maintained on Microsoft One Drive through a USB stick to PleasrDAO’s defense team’s office.

However, the on-chain group does not believe Shkreli to have turned in everything, doubting him for holding additional copies. “Mr. Shkreli indicates that there may be additional copies in “storage” facilities that held his personal effects while he served time in prison, but offers no specificity around what prevented him from searching all facilities,” the filing added. PleasrDAO also highlighted Shkreli’s online comments, which he is notorious for, of hiding numerous copies of the album “in safes all around the world.”

If that was not enough, the filing also referenced the former pharma executive publicly mentioning making copies of the album and distributing it. He allegedly said, “Dude, you know I burned the album and sent it to like, 50 different chicks, right?”

PleasrDAO Acquired the Album From the Shkreli’s Asset Liquidation Process

PleasrDAO sued Shkreli in June for playing a copy of the album on stream to his online followers. He owned the album until he was imprisoned for securities violations, during which his assets were seized and liquidated by the US Department of Justice (DoJ). PleasrDAO bought the album during this liquidation. It is now selling the album partially through NFTs.

The post PleasrDAO Calls Martin Shkreli’s Claims of Forfeiting All Wu-Tang Clan Album Copies Bogus appeared first on Live Bitcoin News.
