Stockpile Is Helping Kids Invest in Crypto

A company called Stockpile – which is billed as the “simplest way” to invest in stocks – is looking to introduce kids and young people to crypto investing. The company’s executives feel it’s never too early to start learning about proper investing methods, and they think getting kids on the right track early will not only assist them, but ensure the world is in a stronger place from a financial perspective.

Stockpile Wants to Bring Kids and Crypto Together

The thinking makes sense in a lot of ways. There have been many programs and individuals out there that believe kids – being that they’re the future leaders of this country and the world – should know about crypto early given its likely the future of money and getting stronger with each passing year. One example comes in the form of current New York City mayor Eric Adams, who recently advocated for bitcoin, crypto, and blockchain technology to be subjects taught in public schools in the area.

Now, it looks like Stockpile is taking on a similar way of thought. The company’s CEO Victor Wang commented in a recent statement:

We believe crypto is the inevitable future of currency. It’s important to us that we make it easy and accessible to everyone, especially kids. We want everyone to understand their investing options and truly prepare for the future.

Stockpile is giving children the opportunity to invest in approximately 30 separate digital currencies. The company is basing its decisions to offer kids crypto investing chances on the results of a new survey that showed approximately 55 percent of teenagers had heard of crypto and were interested in taking part in it. The idea is that with many families, children and young people are often the first ones to get their hands on new technology and try new trends, so it makes sense to introduce crypto to them first.

The program is not just designed for kids alone. Rather, the goal is to ensure children and parents learn together. The same survey mentioned above cites 68 percent of respondents claiming that they would feel far more comfortable investing in digital assets granted they had support from a parent or adult.

Having Kids and Parents Learn Together

Wang commented that while he understands parents may be skeptical at first, he’s confident they’ll see the importance of what his company is trying to accomplish. He stated:

Parents are understandably skeptical of crypto, especially for their kids. It’s a new type of investment and until recently, it’s been difficult for anyone to participate, but we added crypto to our platform to make it accessible and easy for anyone to learn. We don’t want people to miss out just because they aren’t finance experts!

At the time of writing, access to Stockpile starts at less than five dollars a month.

The post Stockpile Is Helping Kids Invest in Crypto appeared first on Live Bitcoin News.
