RolazGold Runs Token Sale on P2PB2B Exchange on April 1st

RolazGold Runs Token Sale on P2PB2B Exchange on April 1st

The token sale session for RolazGold is coming soon to the P2PB2B exchange. When buying rGLD, users will get a 30% bonus additionally. 

The tokens can be purchased until May 31st, along with joining the project’s community. The token sale will be followed by a listing on the P2PB2B exchange. It will be followed by a listing on the P2PB2B exchange. Meanwhile, here is an introduction to the project.

Rolaz Group and RolazGold: What are they?

Rolaz Hedge Fund is a first-of-its-kind tokenized hedge fund that uses blockchain decentralized investment protocol to disrupt the trillion-dollar industry. Due to Rolaz Group’s ability to leverage blockchain technology, the investors will be able to take part in growing and successful gold exploration operations as Rolaz Gold (rGLD) Token. Rolaz Gold (rGLD) token (asset-backed) is an asset-backed token that enables gold mining venture investors of all income levels to invest in already operating gold mines and reap the rewards of this unique opportunity that was only available to a few. Now, investors of all income levels and risk tolerances can invest in already operating gold mining ventures. Rolaz Gold is an asset-backed token that generates returns from existing gold mining operations. Similarly, Rolaz ecosystem uses GOLD as a primary component to prevent inflation in times of economic uncertainty.

What makes it special?

Invest in gold and earn returns comparable to hedge funds and gain control of your money. You can buy gold instantly with a single click.

  • Profitable results. A gold mining operation operated by the company has demonstrated an average return of 50% with no additional risks;
  • Transparent and decentralized. Transparency and integrity will be brought to everyone as a result of the decentralized nature of the blockchain;
  • Diverse investment options. With rGLD, investors are able to customize their portfolios based on their risk appetite;
  • Fully audited. SGS and Bureau Veritas are among the world’s most credible auditors and certification organizations.

Sounds interesting? Join the rGLD token sale on P2PB2B and participate in community life!

Also, don’t forget to follow RolazGold on social media:
▪ Website:
▪ Facebook:
▪ Twitter: 
