BuzzShow Provide users with Full Control and Privacy on their Video Social Media Space

“The new freedom of expression brought by the Internet goes far beyond politics. People relate to each other in new ways, posing questions about how we should respond to people when all that we know about them is what we have learned through a medium that permits all kinds of anonymity and deception.”

-Peter Singer

BuzzShow platform is one among the most sensational products of the Blockchain Technology. It is a video sharing social network, which rewards everyone within the cycle on the basis of their contribution.

A platform revitalizing empowerment and building stronger connections, BuzzShow also provides its users the desired level of privacy as well as control over their contents.

Recently, there has been an upsurge in the controversies about freedom of expression across the globe. Whether its #MeToo or Youthquake or LGBTQ rights; freedom of speech and expression have enabled these campaigns to come into motion. Videos are a quick and interesting source of spreading information and gaining momentum for any mass affecting issue.

However, big giants like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have the liberty to censor the content as per their discretion. This is owing to the fact that these platforms are controlled by centralised systems. Users’ information and contents are exposed to manipulation.

BuzzShow is fully developed and alpha-tested. The platform prevents corporations from limiting the creative freedom of video content creators. As long as the content does not incite hatred or infringe the rights of others, content creators willnow have a platform to share their ideas and earn.

The blockchain will provide a level playing ground for everyone to grow.According to BuzzShow’s white paper, “The alpha version of the platform is not yet decentralized. However, it is intended that future releases of the platform will become gradually decentralized as third generation blockchain technology matures and becomes available.”

Sometimes content creators would prefer to keep their identities anonymous to allow them to continue leading a normal life. Blockchains use pseudonyms offering superior confidentiality without affecting the income.

Additionally, the social space on YouTube and Facebook does not belong to the users. It belongs to the firm, and they reserve the right to delete, block and close channels and accounts. BuzzShow’s decentralized system will provide its users with the ownership rights.

Most conventional platforms like Google may have systems to prevent copyright problems, but they are ineffective because some people have developed ingenious methods of bypassing these copyright limitations. Blockchains are based on algorithms that accounts for high level security.

Additionally, BuzzShow copyright infringement prevention infrastructure will be augmented by two unique roles of our ecosystem: the Moderator and the Validator.  Both of these roles are compensated to validate copyright information and to monitor and flag any content that violates Buzzshow’s policies.

When Salman Rushdie quoted that, “Two things form the bedrock of any open society – freedom of expression and rule of law. If you don’t have those things, you don’t have a free country”, it hasn’t been applicable on just countries but the world community as a whole.Since internet has become an internal member of this community; it is high time that it incorporates these values. BuzzShow via blockchains is moving in the same direction.

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