Revpro Intel CEO Held at Gunpoint by a ‘Sophisticated Group’ That Stole Personal and Company Crypto

Nick Drakon of Revpro Intel was held at gunpoint with his family as the thieves stole funds from his personal wallets and those that belonged to his company.

Nick Drakon, co-founder and CEO of Revpro Intel, a Web3 education and intelligence platform, shared a harrowing experience of being held at gunpoint and forced to transfer personal and company crypto to criminals. He also announced that he was stepping down as his company’s CEO and relinquishing all financial interest as a direct result of this incident.

“There is a dark side to this industry though which is quite sinister. Anonymous bad actors operating in the shadows are constantly waiting for opportunities to inflict pain and suffering while enriching themselves,” Drakon said on X after reminiscing about his good times in the industry. He then dropped the distressing details about having their funds stolen by the thieves, who he called a “sophisticated group.” He added, “This was an in-person attack where my wife and 8-month-old son were threatened.”

The group went after nothing but Drakon’s crypto assets and knew the wallet addresses he controlled personally and those belonging to Revpro Intel and Revpro Ventures, the investment arm. “I was forced, at gunpoint, to log into a number of crypto accounts and transfer funds out,” he narrated. He claimed that the majority of the stolen funds were his personal holdings.

Due to the intricate knowledge of the wallet addresses, Drakon believes the theft was an inside job orchestrated by Revpro personnel or an outside group that received information from insiders. However, he refrained from providing additional details due to the ongoing nature of the investigation.

Looking Forward

He admitted to this incident emerging due to risks tied to “severe mistakes in operating that business from a number of various perspectives.” He announced his resignation from his position, handing over the CEO title to former Revpro Intel COO Vu Benson. While guiding the company through the incident’s aftermath and handling business scenarios, Benson will work to make whole affected investors and stakeholders. He will start by directing “30% of all profits generated directly to the affected members.”

The incident highlights the increase in cases involving criminals targeting crypto holders in real life to extract funds from their wallets.

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