EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Review

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Review

Have you ever lost a presentation you worked so hard for or the college assignment you pulled two all-nighters to complete? We have all been through this utterly disheartening predicament as it is not unusual and happens to the best of us.

An important file may get deleted by mistake, a system crash, a virus or any other system failure and can cause all sorts of problems. Because of this, many tech organizations and optimization companies offer their services in retrieving this data but very rarely are they truly effective. Either the offered software is too expensive, not easy to use, or simply just not efficient enough.

Here is where the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard comes into play.  It is a trusted,  data recovery software which has wholly satisfied its customers by making data recovery for them a lot more convenient. The first feature which makes EaseUS one of the best data recovery software is that it is absolutely free.

The easy to command software allows anyone to use it, may they be an IT professional or simply a student. The process is completely hassle-free. All you have to do is pick a scan location, run a scan in whatever mode suits you the best and browse through the scanned results to recover the file in question. The option of previewing the files before recovery is also available.

EaseUS works on both Mac and Windows and the free version is able to support 2GB of data. Along with that, it also allows the scanning of a complete hard drive for hard drive recovery. This software has two scanning modes; quick scan that skims through the entire drive in a very short time and the deep scan, which ensures better recovery chances through sector-wise scanning.

The scanned results can also be added to backup support for future references. The search tool can be used to find a file solely through its name. The option of storage is also available as you can store your files and sort them based on their name, date, or type.

EaseUS is available in three editions, all possessing various features that comply with the different needs of people. The Free Data Recovery Wizard is limited to the recovery of 2GB of data while the Data Recovery Wizard Pro and Data Recovery Wizard Pro+WinePE allow unlimited amounts of data to be recovered. Both these advanced versions can easily be bought as they are very cost effective.

These versions have a variety of improved features which can quite easily be availed to their maximum extent.  Along with its outstanding program, EaseUS also has a very efficient customer support department with experienced staff always more than willing to help you out with a relevant issue.

Suffice to say, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is a software of undeniable importance. With its easy to use program, simplicity of the procedure and tested efficiency, this software can retrieve all your deleted files like documents, images, audios, videos, graphics and whatnot within very little expenditure of time and resources. Give it a go yourself, and you can join in with the other well served and satisfied users.

The post EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Review appeared first on ZyCrypto.