Discord – ‘Heavy is the Head Who Wears the Crown’

Discord – ‘Heavy is the Head Who Wears the Crown’

With 140 million monthly active users and a valuation of over 15 billion US dollars, Discord has grown from a game voice tool to one of the largest virtual communities overseas. Discord gives a new way of living in the current virtual world.

In 2018, Discord swept the game circle and has become the most popular “voice chat tool” for gamers. In the US server of “League of Legends”, almost every game starts before someone sends a channel link, inviting teammates to communicate through Discord.

After that, more and more non-gamers came here and established channels such as study groups, interest groups, sneaker discussion groups, etc. Discord became a comprehensive Internet community based on interests.

Many people who use Discord for the first time may think that the functions of this platform are not so cool. Creating various sub-channels, setting permissions and other functions is not unique to Discord; network real-time social and voice chat rooms are everywhere. Looking at a certain function alone, it is actually easy to find a substitute for Discord in the market, but if we take it all together, we will find that Discord is no longer its “function”, but its value as a community.

Apparently, the Discord team and Citron are aware of this as well. To retain users, Discord needs a sense of community identity, so it delegates a large amount of social autonomy to users. Users can selectively enter different communities to conduct different social activities according to their own needs. A balance has been found between symptoms.

“Probably Nothing” From a tweet by Jason Citron, we can easily spot the problem. However, what makes a founder hide and tuck is the opposition from a large number of users. Discord produced a questionnaire for the community, which received very strong reactions from the community, but all of them were negative. As a platform that relies on community users to survive, Discord must take into account the consistent rejection of users. A large number of highly sticky users have made Discord’s traffic and wealth, but it has also become its shackles to a certain extent.

What are the reasons that stand in the way of Discord’s Web3? Today, we will analyze the reasons from the perspective of the NFT project party.

Whitelist activities and sweepstakes are often an integral part of NFT projects on Discord. So what is the difference between such an event on Web2’s Discord and Web3’s Mojor? Let’s take a closer look.

Case: Comparison of working hours when launching an “Affiliate Program” in Discord community.

Discord’s inadequacies become apparent when we compare the costs that NFT project teams need to pay.

Although Discord has a strong Bots ecosystem, a real problem is that it has a high learning cost for project parties and users, and the barriers to new project parties and new users are very high. This also leads to the fact that the Discord community often needs a certain amount of Mods to teach users how to participate in activities and how to receive benefits. When users think that the time cost required by a project party is very high, it naturally increases the user churn of the project.

By comparison, we can also clearly find that even if the project party and the user have a certain experience, it takes a long time for the project party and the user to process all the activity processes one by one. Problems in any link will cause users to be unable to participate in activities normally, which is often the most worrying thing for project parties.

However, after analyzing a large number of activity samples of different project parties and robot processes, Mojor shortens and automates the multi-end long-link process as much as possible. Building a community through Mojor not only reduces a lot of manpower and material costs for the project side, but also minimizes user learning costs, operating costs and time costs. In addition, in many aspects, multi-dimensionality reduces the cost of the project party and reduces the possibility of user churn. So what kind of Web3.0 social platform is Mojor?

Mojor is a brand new community platform focused on the Web3 space. Community creators truly own the community by holding NFTs. By allowing users to log in directly with the wallet, Mojor not only provides users with greater security and portability, but also optimizes the way the project analyzes user data, consolidating the user base. It is worth mentioning that Mojor has further iterated the application scenarios of intelligent robots after extensive sample analysis and testing. By combining the blockchain, the workload of community administrators and MODs is greatly reduced, thereby improving the efficiency of community governance.

Mojor pushes on-chain data in real-time by developing a free NFTscan tool. Reduce the cost of massive data analysis for users, and use only one robot to solve all the problems of data subscription, reminder, and analysis. In addition, the Mojor platform is also integrating users’ on-chain data, including digital assets (Token & NFT), on-chain behaviors, transaction records, etc. The resulting community behaviors and friend relationships generate a decentralized social graph, forming a user’s Universal identity ID in the Web3 world.

In recent May, according to official information, Mojor, the Web3 community platform, completed a seed round of financing of US$2 million in February, and this round is valued at US$20 million. Let us look forward to whether Mojor can be “the new king”! To read more about Mojor, check out the news on the official Twitter (@mojorcom).

Discord – ‘Heavy is the Head Who Wears the Crown’