Soulda16 Introduces Personality Based NFTs To Be Used As Exclusive Passes Into Its Social Club

Soulda16 Introduces Personality Based NFTs To Be Used As Exclusive Passes Into Its Social Club

Soulda16, the first social club to use NFTs bond to their holders’ personality types entrance passes is elated to announce the launch of its Soulda16 NFT Personality Art collection.

According to the announcement, the launch has been set for June 2022 allowing users access to an exclusive social club. The club allows anonymous NFT holders with verifiable complementary personalities to create more authentic relationships. All this is done without revealing sensitive general information.

Commenting on the launch, Riva, Project Lead at Soulda16 said:

“We’re so excited to be early pioneers at this new frontier of technology, psychology, and behavioral economics. As we like to say at Soulda, come for the Personalities test. Stay for self-discovery and art. Remember: At the end of your journey, we’ll be waiting for you here at the Club. Come on in and say hello — you’re welcome anytime.”

The Soulda16 collection uses Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to generate artwork based on penalty types. Notably, each unique piece in the collection is preserved for particular individuals with the corresponding personality types. Each piece also contains visual elements that reflect the personality of its owner.

These NFTs act as the individual passes into the chic Soulda16 social club. Through these NFTs, holders can gain access to a private club room of verified complementary personality types. This allows different NFT personalities to meet like-minded people, creating more authentic relationships and high-performance teams for Soulda events. Using these relationships and teams, NFT owners can share in Soulda16’s monthly revenue or entrance to exclusive events such as fireside chats.

Notably, before joining or accessing the club, all users will be required to take an MBTI personality test at the Soulda Foundation which is set to be released on April 27, 2022.

The Soulda16 NFT Personality Art collection is backed by a team of experts, many of whom served in various capacities including consulting, finance, psychology, and web3 development. Just recently, the Soulda16n team met with a former animation and game designer for Ubisoft. The soon-to-be Soulda’s lead artist has received various international awards for her work and has published a book on design. Other recent additions include a former JPMorgan investments banker and a formers data scientist from Amazon and IBM. 

In the coming days, Soulda16 hopes to also launch a social incubator that will offer its users all the resources needed to build their brands on the Web3.
