BUSDX Launches the xPad & Forms Partnerships with Multiple Projects to Rival Pinksale & DXsale

BUSDX Launches the xPad & Forms Partnerships with Multiple Projects to Rival Pinksale & DXsale

The Fintech Startup has formed exciting partnerships with multiple projects in its quest to bring trust back to the binance smart chain & provide a safer alternative to Pinksale & Dxsale amid a growing number of rug pulls & honey pots on the BSC network. The latest and most exciting announcement is the release of their xPad, a newly developed launch pad which has already seen interest from crypto currency defi projects wanted to launch on their platform.

Currently any new token can launch on Pinksale & Dxsale with little to no checks which has lead to a multitude of rug pulls & scams on their platforms leaving investors frustrated, out of pocket & brought about mistrust among crypto enthusiasts looking to capitalize on the next Safemoon or evergrow style reflection token. To counter this BUSDX has put in strict counter measures it will require every IDO contract to be audited & KYC registered, BUSDX has partnered with InterFi Network, Spywolf & Rug Busters

(IDO) Initial DEX Offering

An initial DEX offering, or IDO, is a new and exciting type of decentralized crowdfunding platform, which is opening up a new way of fundraising in the crypto space, the first ICO was the Mastercoin ICO in July 2013. In 2014, Ethereum raised money with a token sale, raising 3,700 BTC in its first 12 hours, roughly equivalent to $2.3 million at the time.

About xPad

The xPad is an IDO launchpad focused on quality projects that have a high potential.  The presale token must conform to xpad’s strict requirements set by its partners to get accepted & listed.

Unlike other IDO launchpads, xPad doesn’t require an initial share of the project’s tokens which is an added selling point for new projects. The IDO process itself allows is limited to $BUSDX holders & to participate you are required to stake tokens on a tiered system.

Tiers are based on how much $BUSDX is held, holders in higher tiers allows for a higher maximum contribution to the project. There are a total of four tiers, which caters for participants with varying levels of liquidity.

While the xPad platform aims to work with many projects, a thorough auditing process still applies. Several new partnerships were formed to ensure potential projects are properly vetted and authenticated before being accepted. In fact, projects must be certified by BUSDX partners before acceptance.

This vetting process ensures BUSDX investors and contributors remain safe and are exposed to minimal risk from scams & rug pulls when contributing to a crypto currency presale.

However, like anything, investing in any startup comes with inherent risk, investors should always remain cautious & research any new DeFi token before investing.

With smart contract auditing and KYC verification, investors can have more confidence that their funds are being invested in an authentic project that could have a very bright future ahead.

What is Staking?

Staking involves holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the security and operations of a blockchain or project. Simply put, staking is the act of locking cryptocurrencies to receive rewards or privileges. Generally staking is normally required for an extended amount of time before the cryptocurrency can be unlocked. BUSDX has also set itself aside here & will not require BUSDX to be staked for an extended amount of time to allow holder to enter the IDO presale, this will create high volumes for the native token during presales with many new holder acquiring BUSDX just to participate in the launch.

Passive Income for BUSDX Holders

The platform provides several different opportunities to help users generate a passive income just by holding BUSDX  a passive income is created by the smart contract, 10% of every buy & sell transaction is redistributed to its holders & paid directly in BUSD which is tied to the dollar, 1 BUSD is worth $1 regardless of the volatility of the markets.

Staked BUSDX will also receive a predefined APY depending on the tier they have reached with their holdings.

BUSDX has also partnered with walletnow an innovative platform that gives users a window into their wallet without connection which allows BUSDX holders to see how much they have earned in reflections plus the pending balance that is yet to be paid.

A Joint Future with Futura Finance

Futura Finance is a robust platform that is developing a number of different services and features. A current feature as a reflection token has seen it partner with BUSDX by offering is holders rewards paid directly in BUSDX. Both project share a common goal in creating a safer environment everyone involved in the crypto industry. Futura finance is in the final stages of creating its escrow service that will use smart contracts to ensure a buyer is happy with the services provided by a vendor & provide a mediation service when disputes accrue.

NFT Platfrom Coming Soon

BUSDX is developing a unique NFT platform (XNFT) which empowers creators with accessible and safe tools. Turn your ideas into NFT’s! BUSDX is using a decentralized network to connect creators, artists and investors. The BUSDX token will be powering our platform. It will be the default currency used to buy and sell NFT’s

Purchase BUSDX with Flooz.Trade

Flooz.trade is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to trade cryptocurrency tokens. The platform focuses on creating a simple and intuitive experience for users. While DEXs like Uniswap & pancake swap can be complex and intimidating to beginners, Flooz.trade simplifies the process and makes it user-friendly regardless of experience level. There is a simple buy now button at BUSDX.com

For more news and latest updates please visit BUSDX Twitter and Telegram.

BUSDX Launches the xPad & Forms Partnerships with Multiple Projects to Rival Pinksale & DXsale