General Motors Invests in Oculii that Manufactures Radar Software for Autonomous Cars

General Motors Invests in Oculii that Manufactures Radar Software for Autonomous Cars

Oculii, a leading American startup dealing in developing radar software, has announced its association with General Motors Co (NYSE: GM). The startup has received an investment worth millions of dollars from GM to manufacture low-cost radar software that can be installed in autonomous cars.

General Motors Partners with Oculii to Expand Their Automated Vehicle Portfolio

In an interview with Reuters, the Co-founder of Oculii, Steven Hong has confirmed the news of securing a million-dollar investment from GM. He further stated that GM can make use of Oculii’s efficient and low-cost radar software to rectify their vehicle’s speed camera resolutions and amplify their existing vehicle portfolio by adding new features and specifications.

According to Hong, the investment is an active signal that implies that the companies are now seriously thinking about investing in technology and are turning towards radar to enhance their vehicles and automobile prospects.

Radar software is a significant addition to the assemblage of automated cars that measures the space between the car and an object. In an automated car, a radar system is responsible for steering the car forward while measuring the distances between objects. This allows the cars to calculate and decide whether to slow the vehicle down or accelerate the speed accordingly to avoid mishaps or crashes.

On the other hand, Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) has doubled down its investments in cheaper cameras and artificial intelligence-driven tech to improve their self-driving car mechanism. Traditional radars have long attracted a lot of criticism owing to their miscalculated measurements while driving.

Steven Hong of Oculii has also agreed on the traditional shortcomings of radars and has asserted that sometimes the tech can certainly hinder regular driving, citing vision and measurement issues. He also commented that high-resolution radars can effectively enhance the existing automated mechanism and help the cars acquire an additional set of security in case of a system failure. Hong also expects Tesla to embrace radars as their prices have dropped significantly at the moment.

Oculii was founded by Steven Hong and his father Lang Hong in 2015. The company since then has actively dealt with producing efficient 4D radar technology and software to improve the automated mechanism of vehicles. The company is known to develop high-precision radar systems that are cost-effective and meticulous in delivering results and making the vehicles more secure and sturdy in the long run.

General Motors Invests in Oculii that Manufactures Radar Software for Autonomous Cars
