LAPO Coin: The Answer to Volatility and Instability Problem in The Crypto World

LAPO Coin: The Answer to Volatility and Instability Problem in The Crypto World

The instability and volatility of digital currencies have been a major source of concern to both traders and investors alike.

In a bid to correct this discouraging factor, The Bank of Switzerland came up with a global Cryptocurrency known as LAPO Coin (LAX). Just like its inventor, this coin has a high level of stability and privacy.

The LAPO Coin is uniquely designed for everybody and has the qualities that can make it applicable to real-world business deals.

Due to its low volatility and less complex nature, the coin can be used for buying and selling conveniently.

The Coin which is a complete opposite of a regular digital coin due to the fact it integrates money policy has already commenced its token sales on the 1st of May and would end it by the June 1.

In order for LAX to be a success and fulfil its purpose, LAPO Stability Fund was created. An Artificial Intelligence that helps to examine and calculate monetary policy so as determine where fraudulent activities have occurred as well as corrects it.

One of the major aims of creating the LAPO Coin is to promote stability with digital currencies. It will be achieved by the help of LSF that has the ability to analyse the market, social network news as well as historical data.

After the analysis, it then goes further to envisage with the help of Seigniorage Shares where foul play is taking place, neutralise and calm the market.

The LAPO Coin seems to be enduring as a result of its non-collateralized nature. It is a dependable medium of storing value as it is not tied to any other currency.

Hence, it will remain unshakeable even if the USD and other Digital monies crash. LAPO’s algorithm will only be stable and continue to increase as it depends entirely on itself with no centralised control.

LAX is daily trying to improve its blockchain based Dash technology by adding new services like smart contracts, greater 2-tier networks stability as well as faster block generation.

Other exciting features of LAX include; ability to work with an exchange, its easy incorporation by both partners and business alike, and also its simplicity will undoubtedly give the coin an edge over competitors.

The coin will serve many financial purposes like liquidation, collateral for loans etc. Due to its shortage in supply, there is likely to be a high demand for it which will automatically shoot up the value.

Another project on the list aside LAPO Coin is the LAPO ePlatform that will connect a decentralised trading platform with an online (eGateway) and offline (Point of Sale) payment system.

These set of Blockchain enabled financial tools that are powered by artificial intelligence will help to create a link between Fiat banks and Digital currencies world while LAPO Coin will be the centre that holds both securely.

Blockchain technology is spreading to almost every industry having the financial sector is undoubtedly the most affected eliminating third parties, and LAPO Coin is striving to take the lead.

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