Golem Enters Beta Testing as Ethereum Mainnet Support Is Introduced

TheMerkle_Golem Network Ethereum

A lot of people are keeping a close eye on the Golem project. It is a pretty interesting concept which aims to become the Airbnb for computers. Doing so will require a proper infrastructure to accommodate demand and distribute computing resources. The project has now entered the beta testing phase and has been officially launched on the mainnet.

The Golem Project Continues to Evolve

As is always the case with projects which raise money through initial coin offerings, expectations are pretty high for Golem. Its ICO was quite successful, although it has taken a while for most people to try this technology themselves. That long wait is now over, as Golem has entered the beta testing phase, which everyone can access. Moreover, the project has launched its mainnet, which marks another major milestone for the project.

With the beta version of Golem now live on the mainnet, interesting things are bound to happen. The team acknowledges this release will highlight some inherent risks, although a public review is more than warranted at this stage. Without feedback from real users, a project can never be deemed to be “officially released”. It’s a smart decision by the Golem team, although one can only hope no major flaws are exploited as a result.

At its core, Golem remains a DApp, and it has been thoroughly vetted in a sandboxed environment. While those tests have been pretty successful so far, it is still very different from bringing this technology into a real environment where people actually make use of the code. Leaving the proverbial comfort zone has not been easy for Golem, but the team acknowledges this change is more than needed at this point.

It has become more than apparent that building a decentralized marketplace for computing resources is not an easy feat. Although there are a lot of opportunities waiting to be explored, it remains a very complex business model. Even so, the Golem team is confident that now is the right time to launch Golem Brass and support for the Ethereum mainnet. This lets users earn and spend GNT for computations, which is a pretty big breakthrough for the project as a whole.

For the time being, we will have to wait and see how users respond to this development. While there is a lot of reason to be excited about the launch of Golem Brass, it is still a beta project first and foremost. Anyone who has not yet given the testnet version a try may want to explore that option first, as there is a substantial learning curve associated with this project. It is also worth noting that the Golem team launched a bug bounty program associated with this beta launch. Rewarding community members for discovering and sharing bugs and potential exploits will help bolster the overall ecosystem.