Dappbase – Decentralized Development Platform & API Library for the Ethereum Network

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In 2016, the total number of users on Ethereum Network’s web3.js API was 76,828. In 2017, that number has skyrocketed to 342,610. That’s growth of 446% in 1 year with no signs of slowing down. However, there are still  significant barriers to mass adoption of the Ethereum Network for both developers and end users.

For end users, one bottleneck comes from the fact that end users have to run a full node to access the network. A user’s computer may also create delays by content switching between programs. And while Metamask partly addresses this problem, it’s only limited to desktop applications.

Dappbase is committed to solving this problem by allowing users to browse the Ethereum network through a familiar interface: their native mobile browser. The company plans to provide a familiar and intuitive experience to mobile users new to the blockchain interface, while still providing all transaction information to more experienced blockchain users. Using a process like OAuth for transactions, any mobile user will have full control of their keys. For security and transparency purposes, Dappbase will also publish the code that encrypts the user’s key on the client side.

By offering Ethereum on mobile, Dappbase introduces a pool of around 3 billion new users that could continue to accelerate Ethereum’s adoption rate exponentially. However, offering mobile users access to the Ethereum mainnet is just the beginning of Dappbase’s intentions – the company’s primary goal is to ameliorate the production process for developers.

To this end, the Dappbase platform offers a significantly faster and more simplified production path for developers. Specifically, Dappbase integrates HTTP API to uncover smart contract functions. This allows developers to create and grow their own smart contracts utilizing development tools they are already familiar with. Essentially, developers using the Dappbase platform will no longer need a detailed understanding of the complexities usually associated with the development of decentralized applications.

Dappbase also provides a smart contract library where anyone can access files developers in the community load onto the platform for free. Dappbase maintains three different library sections that will expand as its community continues to grow: JavaScript, Android, and iOS. Library content will range anywhere from relatively simple peer to peer transactions to more complex government voting systems. Importantly,  Dappbase are consistently transparent in how they will deal with their patron’s keys.

The company is also a member of Project Transparency which requires that they disclose all wallets under their control and provide justification for every spending transaction above 0.5% of total funds raised. This reflects that Dappbase cofounders Taiyang Zhang and Loong Wang have placed the highest priority on being accountable to their community as they go about building the best products possible for both developers and end users. While Dappbase is currently free to access, the plan is to eventually introduce a token called the Decentralized Application Particle (DAP) that will incentivize developers to place their content on the Dappbase marketplace.

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