15 Greatest Data Breaches in History [Infographics]

15 Greatest Data Breaches in History [Infographics]

Data breach. These two words have company managers turning in their beds at night. And for good reason – a data breach can tear a hole through a company’s finances as well as its reputation. It’s like taking out the Jenga piece that holds the tower together, if you excuse the colorful comparison. Hackers get a hold of private information which they can later sell or use for ransom, and it usually costs the victim greatly.

Silly analogies aside, the problem of cyber attacks is nothing to laugh at.

Hackers now pose a very serious threat to big businesses, even entire industries.

Every now and then you hear about a massive data leak, its casualties numbering in the millions of dollars, records, and accounts. These attacks can severely damage multinational industry giants and by extension untold numbers of people who entrusted their sensitive information to them.

To make matters even worse:

These attacks only seem to become more cunning and pernicious. Cybersecurity, our main line of defense against cybercriminals, does its best to keep up with the latest attack methods.


When a new type of attack takes place, it takes time for a countermeasure to be designed and applied worldwide. This leaves the world vulnerable in the interim. That being said, poor security systems and individual fumbles – like responding to a phisher – remain the top factor responsible for hacks.

Whatever the cause may be, certain data breaches go down in history. Some of these were the ones you, in all likelihood, heard about before. But you probably don’t know much more about them than the fact that they happened in the first place.

If that’s true for you, you’ll likely find this infographic by people from HostingTribunal.com a treat.

This graph will tell you all about the 15 greatest data breaches to ever take place.

You’ll see when they happened and how things went down. There are plenty of interesting particulars concerning each one of these cyber attacks as well.

But that’s not all:

There are tons of fascinating stats about how many records are compromised daily, which regions have the most breaches, and much much more.

15 Greatest Data Breaches in History [Infographics]