Bitcoin Above Winter Resistance, Ethereum About To Drop Below It


The month of April has seen some good, bad and ugly in the
world of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin has had it good, Ethereum has not fared so
well, and the Bitfinex Tether fiasco has been the ugly part.

Bitcoin Still Dominating

Since the beginning of April Bitcoin has made a solid 30
percent and closed
a monthly candle
above resistance for a long time. After a long cold crypto
winter, which witnessed its depths on December 15 when Bitcoin hit a low of
just below $3,200, rays of light have finally entered the space again. Gone are
the fears and predictions of final capitulations down to $2,000 or below as a
new zone of support has formed.

The fabled ‘golden cross’ has sent a wave of psychological goodness
across the ecosystem as traders and hodlers rejoiced. Bitcoin
has held onto gains and is likely to consolidate at this level for a while yet
before any further upsides can be measured. Full time crypto trader and self-styled
‘financial revolution prepper’ ‘Financial Survivalism’ has noted that there has
been a major divergence between BTC and ETH over the past month.

“Bitcoin has formed a bull channel while #ETHUSD is trapped in a bear channel. Bitcoin is 30% above winter’s resistance while ETH is threatening to fall below its corresponding level.”

Ethereum Teetering On The Edge

As noted in the charts Ethereum is not faring
so well at the moment. In early April ETH did surge from around $140 up to $180
adding 28 percent in a week however those gains have slowly been eroded as the
month has progressed. From its high of $184 on April 8, Ethereum has dumped
12.5 percent to its current price just over $160.

Bitcoin conversely has only lost 4.4 percent from its
monthly high of $5,650. ETH is very close to dropping back below its winter
resistance level which could result in a dump back to the $140 zone or lower. Technical
analysis is all about time frames and indicators and not all are so bearish
with Ethereum’s performance;

In all likelihood ETH will trade higher if Bitcoin makes a
break past resistance at $5,400. A recent
from Amazon Web Services, which has just launched a new
blockchain service, may drive momentum but it hasn’t happened yet. Even Elon
Musk’s Ethereum hint dropping on twitter has not managed to stir the token out
of its torpor.

Ethereum’s time will come again but we may have to wait a
little longer for those big green ETH candles.

The post Bitcoin Above Winter Resistance, Ethereum About To Drop Below It appeared first on Ethereum World News.