BitBounce, a Cryptocurrency Spam Solution, Announces One Billion Emails Processed

BitBounce, a Cryptocurrency Spam Solution, Announces One Billion Emails Processed

On Tuesday BitBounce, a cryptocurrency spam solution company that enables its users to get paid to receive unsolicited emails reported processing more than one billion emails via its free cryptocurrency spam solution. Further underscoring its growth trajectory, BitBounce also announced that its global footprint is increasing daily, recently surpassing one million active users and three million registered users.

“Consumers consider an astonishing 50 percent of the emails they receive to be unsolicited spam,” said Stewart Dennis, Co-founder and CEO of BitBounce said in a statement. “It is our mission to disrupt the advertising and marketing paradigm so that consumers get paid directly for their attention. Growing irritation with spam overload, paired with the fact that more than half of the planet uses email, makes this platform a logical starting point for precipitating change.”

The company’s email solution is free to download and works with all major email providers including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail and AOL. Members earn compensation in the form of the cryptocurrency, Credo when they receive paid messages from senders outside of their network.

The earnings can be cashed in or traded for other cryptocurrencies on BitBounce’s CredoEx exchange.  When a sender of an unsolicited email opts out of payment, their correspondence is not lost, but instead is delivered to a separate folder for easy management.

At an enterprise level, BitBounce offers an ad solution for creating and managing email campaigns, BitBounce Ads. Its members are young and digitally savvy, with 72 percent being under the age of 35. A majority of BitBounce members have a strong affinity for cryptocurrency and the blockchain space. In addition, users interests expand to financial products and services, employment opportunities, educational resources, and technology developments.

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